In Alphabetical Order
=============== Alia is a non-combat reploid and a member of the Hunter Support Team. She mainly works as a spotter, providing intelligence and satellite recon to Maverick Hunters in the field. She is also a modestly talented engineer and assists with equipment maintenance wherever necessary, including X's various armors. Has a somewhat vitriolic friendship with Zero. Alia was at one time a colleague and friend of Gate's, and asked the Hunters to spare him after the Nightmare crisis. |
=============== Zeira Krerisra's would-be son-in-law. A younger aidenian with potent but still-developing psychic abilities, and the grandson of one of the Overseer Order's high council members. Assigned by his grandmother to shadow Zeira during Xaria's 100-year disappearance and make sure the older, but quicker to anger aidenian didn't do anything foolish. He favors his paternal relatives in terms of appearance, and doesn't share mucuh family resemblance with his mother. |
=============== The very first self-aware robot created by doctors Thomas Light and Albert Wily, Blues was the original prototype for the robot that eventually became Mega Man. Taken along with the original six robot masters built by Light, Blues essentially served as Wily's right-hand thug for several years until he was finally beaten by Mega Man and taken to Dr. Light for reprogramming. As a result, he avoided taking sides in the Light/Wily conflict whenever possible. After the death of Mega Man and Dr. Light, Blues took it upon himself to protect Light's final creation, X, viewing the advanced android as his younger brother. He has a somewhat brotherly affection for Zero as well, although he's wary of her. Though he's constructed to resemble a thirteen year old boy, Blues carries himself with the air and attitude of a world-weary, battle-wisened veteran and is a deadly opponent due to his hundred-plus years of combat experience. |
=============== Deja (then called Zero) was originally constructed alongside X by Dr. Wily, as part of a social experiment involving human-like robots that never got off the ground. While Dr. Light continued work on his half of the experiment as a side project and eventually created Mega Man X, Dr. Wily mothballed Deja for several years. At some point he began to modify her into a combat robot much like he had previously done to Proto Man, but believing her free will to be a potential danger, he once again put her in storage and began work on a Mk-II Zero with a more traditional CPU. Deja was discovered 130 years later by Xenos, and shortly thereafter taken by the Maverick Hunters. She has a young mind, and like X, it will take her time to develop into an "adult." |
=============== Gate was once a freelance scientist and roboticist, building reploids under contract to whatever company could afford his skills. His creations were reputed to be some of the best reploids on the planet, but as a result of their uncommon quality and power, they fell under the scrutiny of the government and were eventually branded a potential threat to world stability. He was infected with the Maverick Virus not long after by fragments of Zero's body discovered at a Eurasia crash site. With data from those fragments he constructed a duplicate Zero and used her to spread the Nightmare, a virus of his own design. He also resurrected Sigma as a last-ditch effort to stop the Maverick Hunters when they came for him. Though he was eventually defeated, the Hunters recovered him at the behest of Alia and spent a goodly amount of time reparing him and clearing his system of the Maverick Virus. He now works for them, in a tentative arrangement. Due to his RDNA manipulation, he can transform into a powerful reploid resembling Zero. |
=============== Ikari was originally the duplicate Zero built by Gate during the Nightmare incident. After being destroyed by the Hunters, Gate collected her remains and reworked them into more of a custom job, winding up with a male reploid nicknamed Ikari. At the same time he wrote the new reploid's consciousness into the Nightmare itself, creating a self-aware virus not unlike what Sigma had become. Ikari still had Zero's memories however, and turned on Gate shortly after being activated. He destroyed Gate's main enforcer, High Max, and defected to the Maverick Hunters to help them put an end to the global chaos that Gate had started. Ikari's body was destroyed three years later in a brutal conflict, but he managed to copy himself to the Maverick Hunter HQ's mainframe and has taken over base operations while waiting for Gate to get a new body constructed. Likes waffling between the Ikari and Zero personas at his/her whim, for whatever reason. |
=============== Jordan Locke is the 11-year-old daughter of Kivane Locke. Because of the nanomachines in Kivane's blood, Jordan has had copies of Kivane's cybernetic implants being constructed inside of her body since she was born. This has granted her an abnormally high IQ, photographic memory and the ability to learn extremely quickly, three traits that are particularly dangerous in the hands of an eleven year old child. Kivane manages to keep her in check and she does well in school, but she's hyper and excitable regardless and likes to employ her advanced intelligence to get rid of babysitters she doesn't get along with. Needless to say, a child with the IQ of a reploid and a buster cannon is a handfull to deal with. |
=============== The finest creation of Dr. Nobuhiro Takagi, Kagemaru was originally the test type for a series of ninja-style robots that were to serve as contract agents for the Japanese government. He was later upgraded beyond the state of a simple robot and given a biomechanical body. He has assisted Dr. Light's robots in fending off the attacks of the mad Dr. Wily in the past. It's unknown what exactly he's been doing the last hundred years, but he has resurfaced on occasion to help the Maverick Hunters in times of great need, regardless of the fact that he dislikes their methods (and of the fact he has less than warm feelings towards Zero in particular). Level-headed, professional, and with a strong sense of justice, Kagemaru will do whatever it takes to get the job done. |
=============== Kieran is a fourth-generation X-Series reploid constructed for the Maverick Hunters. Originally built and deployed in the UK, he was transferred to North America and took command of the 14th Hunter Unit eighteen months after the Repliforce uprising orchestrated in part by the unit's former leader, Magma Dragoon. Though appearing to be a typical combat reploid, a few components of alien design have been worked into him through the machinations of Zeira Krerisra. Most notably, his internal generator is a psychokinetic core that, combined with some of Zeira's own PK energy, grants Kieran limited use of aidenian psychokinetic powers. This was intended as a countermeasure to the aidenian-built maverick Xenos, though it ultimately proved insufficient to destroy him. Kieran is somewhat resentful of the aidenians for meddling with his life. As he was designed to be a Maverick Hunter from the moment of his activation, he knows little else and is usually at a loss when faced with off-duty time, rarely ever leaving the Maverick Hunter HQ except on Hunter business. |
=============== Formerly a German college student named Kristina Levin, Kivane was abducted by a terrorist organization shortly before her 20th birthday and cybernetically augmented to look like a reploid. The organization in question attempted to use her and several other victims in a scheme to gain sympathy for anti-reploid legislation among the global populace, but the plan was eventually uncovered. Kivane was released from their control before then, after exposure to the Maverick Virus disabled her behavioral inhibitors. She changed her name afterward and remained in America to attend MIT, eventually earning a PhD. in robotics and degrees in engineering and computer sciences. She somehow found time to get married and have a daughter, although tragically her husband was killed in the Sky Lagoon crash, leaving her to raise their daughter by herself. Currently she is under contract to Cain Labs, Inc. to work as a technician and computer specialist for the Maverick Hunters, and is the designer of their current mainframe system. She is occasionally required to do field work when Hunter teams need a computer specialist for an assignment. Though not the highest quality, her implants and nanomachines have slowed down her aging considerably. |
=============== Lucia is an advanced AI control system for the Maverick Hunter HQ. She regulates all of the base's automated systems, has access to the global Satellite Teleportation Network, and is linked directly into the internet through a military-grade connection, granting her full access to nearly every knowledge database on the planet. Lucia is one of three similar mainframes developed by Kivane Locke; the other two, Lillian and Lida, are installed in the central Maverick Hunter headquarters of Australia and Russia, respectively. Lucia's base personality is housed in a modified reploid brain, and thus she has the emotions and depth of thought one would typically associate with a reploid. Her emotions have been partially dampened however, to ensure that she can remain cool and detatched in times of crisis. This leaves her with a somewhat distant personality, but given that her free clock cycles are spent fooling around on the internet, pirating music and watching TV and anime, she can sometimes be playful and goofy as well. Kivane is building her a remote-controlled body that she can use to more fully interact with the Maverick Hunters. |
=============== Thought to have been destroyed in the early 2000s by Zero, Mega Man--one of the first largely autonomous Human Replica Androids ever built by Dr. Thomas Light--reappeard in mid-2134, under the control of Xenos. Though he was used to attack the Hunters, seemingly only for Xenos' personal amusement, he was deactivated only a few short days after his return by the efforts of Kagemaru. He's currently in a stasis capsule at the Maverick Hunter HQ in New York awaiting reprogramming. Though not much remains of the original Mega Man's body, this reconstruction seems to posess all of Mega Man's memories, at the very least. |
=============== X is the leader of the Maverick Hunters' Elite Unit 17, and presently in operational control of the North American Hunter HQ. An ancient marvel of robotics, he was created over a hundred years ago by the late Dr. Thomas Light. This was to be the first step of a privately-funded social experiment that never got off the ground. Dr. Light continued work on X after the project was scrapped, eventually reworking him into Mega Man X and leaving him behind to one day defend future generations the way Mega Man had before him. X was built with a then-unique neural circuitry design that mimicked the human brain, granting him depth of thought and emotion previously believed impossible in a robot. Upon being discovered and studied by Dr. Cain, that design became the basis for all reploids. X worked for years as a lab assistant and scientist alongside Dr. Cain, eventually joining the Maverick Hunters after Sigma's rebellion. He has had a difficult life since then, and his experiences have made him distant and cold at times. X's weapon copy system and interchangeable armor modules make him a very versatile fighter and a deadly opponent at full power. |
=============== Xaria is the daughter of Ashelyn and Zeira Krerisra. One of the youngest Overseers in the order's history (93 at the time of induction, still a child by aidenian standards), she was singled out by the leader of the order for her dissident political views and sent on an assignment that by all rights should have killed her. Instead, she ended up split into two distinct beings in a freak cosmic accident: One version of herself that was more or less as the original was, and another version that was borderline insane, haunted by what had happened to her and bonded to an alien life force that had itself been driven mad by dark energy corruption. The former wound up on Earth in this dimension, devoid of any way to leave the planet and frightened to call her people for help. The other wound up dozens of parallel universes removed from her counterpart, and spent most of a century looking for a way to reunite with her other half. When the two fragmented beings were finally recombined into Xaria, a violent altercation with the Hunters led to her being purged of the dark energy, and the alien presence that had latched itself onto her mind seemingly disappeared. Her problems are not yet over, as she is still considered a criminal among her people, blamed for the disastrous series of events that led to the creation of her two doppelgangers. |
=============== Xenos was a powerful robot built by Xaria Walker in the early 2000s to inhabit while stranded/hiding on Earth. Unfortunately, due to the dark energy present in her body, Xenos slowly became corrupt and eventually came to be known by the Hunters as one of the most dangerous Mavericks of all time. He was finally destroyed in 2134 through the combined efforts of the Maverick Hunters, though their casualties in the conflict were high. ![]() |
=============== Built for combat and one of the most dangerous robots ever created, Zero is a powerhouse among the Maverick Hunters. Few can match her speed and skill, and it's believed by the other Hunters that the only robot on the planet who can hold a candle to her sheer toughness is Mega Man X. Zero was discovered in Arizona by a team of early Maverick Hunters, who disturbed her while investigating unusual energy readings coming from the area. She slaughtered the majority of them, and very nearly destroyed Sigma, the leader of the Maverick Hunters himself. After finally being deactivated, Zero was brought to New York to be studied by Dr. Cain. Eventually, Cain decided to wipe her memory and completely reprogram her to serve as a Maverick Hunter, a task she carries out with terrible efficiency. Three years ago, Zero was thought destroyed while engaging in a final confrontation with Sigma. She reappeared several weeks later, seemingly in perfect order. However, her behavior has become increasingly erratic and violent, and there are indications that her programming has been tampered with irreparably. The revelation that Dr. Cain programmed her to have feelings for X has not helped her emotional state, either. |
=============== The father of Xaria Krerisra, Zeira is a longtime member of the Overseer Order and a veteran of a bloody war between his people and the Multiverse Police centuries before. Though a competent Overseer, he tends to be easily influenced by his emotions and personal bias, and as such the Overseer Council doesn't view him as a potential candidate for promotion to their ranks. In particular there has been contention over the fate of his daughter. While Ashelyn quietly investigated the situation, Zeira got hot-headed, angered several people in the aidenian government and wound up getting himself in line for a potential death sentence if Xaria couldn't be found to stand trial for the destruction of a planet. He has become somewhat more rational again now that Xaria has been rescued. At 900 years old, his psychic abilities are very potent and drawing close to the average peak of a male aidenian's power. He's still not as good as his wife. |